This is the last day of 2012.
Wish to have a quick update what I've been through in this year.
This year have a lot of mood fluctuated for me.
I've been through hard times in the past, for sure have some sweet times too.
All the pictures are not in sequences, it is based on my memory. LOL.
1. Went Taiwan in the beginning of 2012
2. Won Prom Queen in Besca Night with full of surprised! Pictures with my bff, Chor.
3. Did 2 photo shooting by Alien and Allern.
4. Grand Opening of two Chalotte Katy's Store in I-Square Gurney and Fahrenheit88
5. Training under awesome incubator in CETREE. Meet and work with awesome peoples there for 3 months!
Ayaka and Anny from Japan and China.
6. Meet the awesome bloggers
There are lost more hang out and activity that I've been through in the year of 2012.
Just random select the few that for my 1st time / try in the year of 2012.
Too much to talk about it, if you've subscribe my facebook, you'll be knowing more about it.
I've been through hard times in relationships in this year.
Everyone is questioning about why and why?
Sorry that I did not answer the question.
Been through hard times and relationship.
Couple of months have passed
found out whom is the one i care and loved after everything.

There's a different between "Love" and "Like".
If you like a flower, you will pick it up with you.
But, if you love the flower, you'll water it everyday.
Some people is meant to be fall in love with each other,
but not meant to be together.
So, what's yours in your 2012?
Will be offline in these few days due to my final exams.
Wish me luck for tomorrow!
Till here then. xx.
You look like you're having a great 2012. This year was also amazing for me and I really hope that the coming years are amazing for the both of us.